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Geometrical Dash is a game for those who love tempo-based games. The game offers challenges with basic features in just one click. In the game, the player will control the cube to the finish line through complex levels with many obstacles such as walls and spikes that make it impossible for the player to take their eyes off. Thanks to the attractive and unique gameplay combined with increasing difficulty with each level, the game becomes even more popular.

Geometrical Dash has six levels, with each level having three stars for the player to collect. The game will also display the route the player has completed at the top of the screen. The action is perfectly complemented with upbeat music, which will encourage the player to jump and dash with each step. The music in each level is unique and changes as the player progresses through the levels, which helps to keep the player interested and committed to the game.

How To Play

  • Use the mouse to play.

Enjoy more entertaining games that follow the rhythm of music like Geometry Neon Dash RainbowGeometry Dash Cataclysm and Geometry Rush with Level Editor.

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