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Skibronx Runner

Take on an adventure right on the streets of Skibronx Runner, where there are many people passing by. Before playing, you can choose the endless mode or the level mode. For the level mode, you will be transferred to the next level when completing the previous level. The higher the level, the more the level that the game provides increases, forcing you to always improve your skills. For the endless mode, you will run until you collide and stop.

In Skibronx Runner, there are many dangers that can happen unexpectedly such as skateboarders running through, flying through or many other animals. So concentrate to recognize the warnings and have a way to handle them. In addition, if you jump on obstacles or people, you will be awarded points and don't forget to collect coins to unlock a series of interesting items.

How To Play

  • Before playing, Skibronx Runner will provide some basic instructions on how to jump up and slide down using the arrow keys so you can get used to it.

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